Cupcake Interview: Tara Alton

Name: Tara Alton
Location: Southeast Michigan
Occupation: travel consultant/erotic writer
Blog: Flirty Kitty

How often do you eat cupcakes?

I eat cupcakes about two to three times a month.

What's the best thing about eating cupcakes?

Cupcakes make me feel special and indulgent, but not overwhelmed. A cupcake can be a party for one.

What's your favorite type of cupcake?

My favorite is traditional vanilla cake with pink vanilla buttercream frosting and sprinkles.

Favorite place to get cupcakes?

Zingerman's Bake House in Ann Arbor, MI. It is located in an industrial park, but there is a retail outlet where they sell artisan breads and pastries. They are big on real ingredients, like butter, vanilla and eggs.

How do cupcakes compare/contrast to other baked goods for you?

I like how a cupcake is a whole little cake just for you, and it's even wrapped in its own little paper, so it's like a present. Other baked goods don't have this type of presentation.

Is there any innovation you'd like to see made to the cupcake that would improve it for you?

I love them just the way they are.

Any other thoughts on the topic?

Eating cupcakes is a lot like collecting Barbies for me. I took them for granted as a kid, but as an adult, I rediscovered how wonderful they could be. Like the moment I saw Sarah Jessica Parker eating a cupcake in front of the Magnolia Bakery in Sex and the City, I knew that cupcakes weren't just for young girls anymore.


rangeroad said…
my friend mike owns the cupcake cafe in nyc. go in and tell him the jayhawks sent you, and he will def. hook you up.