Bangerang Bake Shop's new flavors

Mail order cupcake shop Bangerang Bake Shop on Etsy sells out pretty fast.

Already, their new summer blueberry flavor is sold out, as is the bare naked lemon lime, but we wanted to share the photos and esrptions so you can get ready to order next Tuesday if you so desire (new
cupcakes for the week go on sale at 9 am CST).

Tropical Blueberry Blast:

Bangerang Orangutan cupcake

This listing is for 1 Super Moist and Crazy Monkey Satisfying BANGERANG ORANGUTAN CUPCAKE(tm) in a half pint jar(8 oz) containing 1-2 servings.

I have to blame this creation on my current preggers situation ;p Throughout this entire pregnancy all I've wanted is chocolate covered fruit! This cupcake seriously appeases the craving! Our moist and decadent banana cake is filled with just the right touch of sweet and satisfying chocolate chips then topped with waves of luscious, creamy Scharffen Berger chocolate buttercream frosting. This cupcake would make any silly monkey happy! Lol! This special flavor will only be around for a limited time, so don't miss out!!


Anonymous said…
Sold out cupcakes, waiting for baby to be born, ummm, exactly why the promotion of this product when it is unlikely they can be purchased?
Rachel said…
As stated in the post, these are available each Tuesday morning, and since when I last posted, I didn't have visuals to go with the flavor descriptions, I wanted to add them. That way, if people wanted to order the next week, they might have a better idea what the products are that are being offered. I can tell you they were going fast - I ordered some around 3 pm EST and a few sold out while I was in the ordering process.
Anonymous said…
im starting to think you people are getting paid in "cupcakes" by her.

If you only knew how bad these are for you. There is enough fat in 1 of these "cupcakes" to choke a horse. You could sit down and eat an entire 12" baskin n robbins ice cream cake, and still have fat calories left over then you would in 1 of these "cupcakes"...

and while im at it.. those arent cupcakes... its insulting to a cupcake to call those cupcakes.. they dont look or act like a cupcake... they are circles of sheet cakes layerd with whatever to keep them "moist" and then topped with the most fat laden "buttercream" possible.

Cupcakes are meant to be eaten with your eyes.. they are an experience.. pull the ball metal lid off these and what do you have looking back at you? There isnt anything attractive about these.

The only people that should be ordering these are people that dont have a clue about cupcakes.

Shame on you Rachel. Ive been on this blog from its inception, you of all people, i would expect more from.
Anonymous said…
I have ordered cupcakes from this shop on etsy. Super cute packaging idea, however I was very disappointed in the texture and flavor of the cake and butter cream. I have been baking cakes for years, using real butter cream. The cake in these cupcakes were dry, and the butter cream was to greasy and sweet.
Nice concept though.