Sugar Mama's Bakeshop opening in Austin, Texas July 15th

Via Flickr, we found out that Sugar Mama's Bakeshop is opening around July 15th in Austin, Texas (Motto: "keeping Austin sweet"). Not to be confused with SugarMama's Cupcakery in Atlanta.

Here's their brand new sign:

Here's a photo of their lemon cupcakes with lemon buttercream:

And The Hula cupcakes (Coconut cake with coconut cream cheese frosting and half with freshly toasted coconut, half nekkid):

And their logo:


Suze said…
omg..all of those cuppies look divine!
Olivia said…
I can't thank you enough for featuring me on your blog, your support means so much! :)
Anonymous said…
I love the sign! Really cool.
Anonymous said…
I love the sign!
Anonymous said…
Sign fine, but this pastry chef (me) wouldn't want any connection with Paula Dean...she licks her fingers all the time. I could never eat anything of hers and maybe people would think I lick my fingers too if she was promoting me!
Anonymous said…
Paula Deen can lick my fingers, I'm sure she's disease-free. I would let her lick my face.
Iris said…
Yum, yum! I wish I was in Austin to have one of those yummy cupcakes.
Awesome logo and neon sign! Good luck with the grand opening; the cupcakes look divine!
Anonymous said…
yummy! I can't wait to stop by and taste one, two maybe 5 ;)
Anonymous said…
Those look deeeelish! Good Luck Sugar Mama:)
Anonymous said…
Way to go - cupcakes look yummy!
Anonymous said…
We are visiting Austin from Seattle this week. We'll be coming to check it out. Yum!