Curious Gourmet Cupcake Cafe, Franklin, Tennessee

When we posted about Ivey Cake in Franklin, Tennessee, several readers let us know about Curious Gourmet Cupcake Cafe, also in Franklin. I haven't tried them, but I can say that their photography is really stunning. Check out all their flavors here and a sampling below:

S'more cupcake:

S'mores cupcake from Curious Gourmet Cupcakes

Mint chocolate chip cupcake:

Mint Chocolate Chip cupcake from Curious Gourmet Cupcakes

German chocolate cupcake:

German chocolate cupcake from Curious Gourmet Cupcakes

Hi hat cupcake:

Hi hat cupcake from Curious Gourmet Cupcakes


JmCupcakes said…
How in the world did they get that PERFECT "soft ice cream" swirl???

Crumbs said…
They might want to consider using a star tip for that German Chocolate cupcake so it looks more like, um, frosting.
Jo said…
I am inrigued by the perfectly piped, shiny frosting. How!?

And the chocolate glaze, with the frosting keeping its shape? Magic.
Anonymous said…
stopped by there today and had a peanut butter cupcake...yum! chocolate cake with a peanut butter center and very creamy peanut butter frosting. cake was a bit on the dry side, but still good!
Anonymous said…
Looks like they're using a tall-ish cupcake liner - which I haven't been able to find. Standard ones are too short, jumbo ones too big...Anyone know where taller walled liners can be found??
MelsAmazing said…
I LOVE hoe the frosting is soft and fluffy looking. Such a nice break from the traditional star tipped frosting. I'm going to make cupcaks like this from now on!
Unknown said…
No, it is a standard liner when you look at the photos in scale, and not just at the cupcakes themselves.