NorwichNuts you have confounded me again. Please, come live near me and bake me your scrumptious-looking vegan cupcakes and treats. I will fan you with banana leaves and feed you grapes that I have peeled myself. I have a serious baker's crush on you and may not be happy in life until I get to taste these creations you are, well, creating. (And producing at an astounding rate, considering the difficulty level and creativity of each set.)
From the sorceress herself:
All photos by NorwichNuts.
"Chervil Cupcake with Gooseberry Chervil Curd and Cashew Cream."
From the sorceress herself:
"A vegan angelfood cupcake, flavored with sweet chervil tea -- the gourmet's parsley. It is filled with a rustic sweet-tart chervil gooseberry curd. Chervil's licorice undertones make this cuppie sing! Cashew kreme topping and more gooseberry and chervil garnish these little garden goodies.
Read more at the blog soon!"
All photos by NorwichNuts.