The Princess Bride cupcakes, live from Ivy Bakery in Bay Ridge

I am live at Ivy Bakery in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn (yay wifi!), waiting for YouTube to upload my video interview with owner/baker Daniellan Louie, who you can follow on Twitter. While I wait (and wait and wait and wait...), here are some photos of their awesome cupcakes, include this weekend's special charity The Princess Bride cupcakes, with proceeds going to The Food Bank for New York City.

Their regular cupcakes are $2.25 each, the movie cupcakes are $10.50 each, $125.00 for the whole set. Next weekend is The Little Mermaid! (see their Twilight cupcakes and their The Princess Bride cupcakes, as well as the Ivy Bakery Flickr stream.

How cool is the chocolate crown with dragees? Gorgeous!

Cannoli cupcakes!

Chocolate cupcakes

Vanilla cupcakes

More photos in my Flickr stream, to be organized soon.


Anonymous said…
$10.50 for a CUPCAKE?!
meg said…
Love the Princess Bride cupcakes and the cannoli cupcakes are fabulous!
Anonymous said…
I love Ivy Bakery! All delicious.