South Park, Twilight Spongebob and more fun cupcakes from Cake Freak

South Park cupcakes by Cake Freak

and closeup:

This post's cupcakes are all by Texas's Cake Freak, via her Flickr cupcake set (be sure to also check out her amazing cakes on Flickr). Aren't they something? I found them while searching for Twilight cupcakes, and will be posting more of those.

Ninja turtle cupcakes with weapons, sewer lid, and pizza

Disney's car cupcakes

Spongebob Squarepants cupcakes

Twilight cupcakes, plus closeup:

Cake Freak (see site for pricing/delivery info)
angel at


1 dozen minimum order
Simply Decorated starting at $30/dozen
Fully Decorated starting at $40/dozen
(Discounts given for multiple dozens)


Whitney said…
these are rediculously amazing! i esp. love the south park cupcakes...the detail is fabulous!
Rose said…
What a great idea for Twilight cupcakes!