I ordered the book Cute Yummy Time: 70 Recipes for the Cutest Food You'll Ever Eat by La Carmina not knowing that there were cupcakes in it. I'd been intrigued by her book trailer and figured it would also be a great gift for friends. Turns out, it's not only totally fun, full of adorable food items like panda tofu soba, singing crab bagel, foxy oatmeal, animal yogurt popsicles, party owl egg white quiche, hard-boiled egg critters, and bunny and pig on rye (those were my favorites!), but it also has a recipe for hobglobin cupcakes (pictured below)! I emailed La Carmina to find out more.

Age: 25
Location: Tokyo Rococo, or www.lacarmina.com
Occupation: Den mother of Scottish Fold cats and Visual Kei boys
URL: www.lacarmina.com
What was your inspiration for Cute Yummy Time? How did you decide which recipes to include?
I was inspired by the Japanese bento decoration books, where lunches are transformed into kawaii characters. I'd also see cute pastries and bento tools in Tokyo stores, which got me interested in learning more. (There's more info about my recipe book, Cute Yummy Time, here.)
My goal was to include a wide range of recipes -- breakfast, sushi, occasions, dessert -- and I edited them based on what turned out to be the cutest.
I like that the hobglobin cupcakes use fruit (raspberries and strawberries) as decoration, and that there's an emphasis on health, as well as fun, in the book. Why was that important to you?
Healthy eating is extremely important to me, and I couldn't live with myself if I wrote a cookbook filled with junk ingredients! I think it's more challenging and rewarding to create cutie-faced sweets with nutrient-rich ingredients (dark chocolate, fruit) -- rather than sprinkling on candy.

What are some other ways people can add cuteness to their cupcakes?
Nuts are a great way to add eyes or noses; try pistachios or almond slivers. Or you can put cream cheese into a plastic bag, snip the end, and draw designs on your cupcakes.
Do you have a favorite recipe from the book?
It's impossible to pick just one... the macaroni and cheese pirate mouse is a favorite among children, as is the egg white quiche that looks like an owl wearing glasses.
What are you working on next?
I have a number of creative projects in motion; can't wait to share them with you! A fashion design collaboration... TV work... more writing... you can always keep up with my adventures on my blog.
And now for some personal questions...
How often do you eat cupcakes?
I love visiting healthy cupcakeries with my friends (is that a word?). My Los Angeles favorite: the strawberry vegan cupcake at M Cafe de Chaya. When I'm in NYC, I make a trip to Babycakes in the Lower East Side; they offer gluten-free and vegan versions. Delicious.
What's the best thing about eating cupcakes?
They're simply so cute!
What's your favorite type of cupcake?
I am a fan of fruit flavors, such as lemon and strawberry. I don't like cupcakes that are overly sweet.
How do cupcakes compare/contrast to other baked goods for you?
Cupcakes are WIN. They're simple enough to make and will please any crowd.
Is there any innovation you'd like to see made to the cupcake that would improve it for you?
I hope bakers will keep on experimenting. It's always a thrill to see new versions of old favorites.
Do you bake your own cupcakes? Or (even better) have someone who bakes them for you?
My friend and I filmed a hilarious "cupcake battle" for my Goth cooking show on YouTube! You can watch it here.
What's your first cupcake-related memory?
I have absolutely no recollection. I must have been a pre-schooler -- but I'm sure I enjoyed my first cupcake!
What's the most fun you've ever had with a cupcake?
Making hobgoblin cupcakes for my new cookbook, Cute Yummy Time, is high on the list. (For more adorable kawaii recipes, please check out my new book here.)
Age: 25
Location: Tokyo Rococo, or www.lacarmina.com
Occupation: Den mother of Scottish Fold cats and Visual Kei boys
URL: www.lacarmina.com
What was your inspiration for Cute Yummy Time? How did you decide which recipes to include?
I was inspired by the Japanese bento decoration books, where lunches are transformed into kawaii characters. I'd also see cute pastries and bento tools in Tokyo stores, which got me interested in learning more. (There's more info about my recipe book, Cute Yummy Time, here.)
My goal was to include a wide range of recipes -- breakfast, sushi, occasions, dessert -- and I edited them based on what turned out to be the cutest.
I like that the hobglobin cupcakes use fruit (raspberries and strawberries) as decoration, and that there's an emphasis on health, as well as fun, in the book. Why was that important to you?
Healthy eating is extremely important to me, and I couldn't live with myself if I wrote a cookbook filled with junk ingredients! I think it's more challenging and rewarding to create cutie-faced sweets with nutrient-rich ingredients (dark chocolate, fruit) -- rather than sprinkling on candy.
What are some other ways people can add cuteness to their cupcakes?
Nuts are a great way to add eyes or noses; try pistachios or almond slivers. Or you can put cream cheese into a plastic bag, snip the end, and draw designs on your cupcakes.
Do you have a favorite recipe from the book?
It's impossible to pick just one... the macaroni and cheese pirate mouse is a favorite among children, as is the egg white quiche that looks like an owl wearing glasses.
What are you working on next?
I have a number of creative projects in motion; can't wait to share them with you! A fashion design collaboration... TV work... more writing... you can always keep up with my adventures on my blog.
And now for some personal questions...
How often do you eat cupcakes?
I love visiting healthy cupcakeries with my friends (is that a word?). My Los Angeles favorite: the strawberry vegan cupcake at M Cafe de Chaya. When I'm in NYC, I make a trip to Babycakes in the Lower East Side; they offer gluten-free and vegan versions. Delicious.
What's the best thing about eating cupcakes?
They're simply so cute!
What's your favorite type of cupcake?
I am a fan of fruit flavors, such as lemon and strawberry. I don't like cupcakes that are overly sweet.
How do cupcakes compare/contrast to other baked goods for you?
Cupcakes are WIN. They're simple enough to make and will please any crowd.
Is there any innovation you'd like to see made to the cupcake that would improve it for you?
I hope bakers will keep on experimenting. It's always a thrill to see new versions of old favorites.
Do you bake your own cupcakes? Or (even better) have someone who bakes them for you?
My friend and I filmed a hilarious "cupcake battle" for my Goth cooking show on YouTube! You can watch it here.
What's your first cupcake-related memory?
I have absolutely no recollection. I must have been a pre-schooler -- but I'm sure I enjoyed my first cupcake!
What's the most fun you've ever had with a cupcake?
Making hobgoblin cupcakes for my new cookbook, Cute Yummy Time, is high on the list. (For more adorable kawaii recipes, please check out my new book here.)