Gorgeous winter wedding cupcakes by Animated Cupcakes

These winter wedding cupcakes by Animated Cupcakes of Orange County, California, are simply gorgeous. See more in this Flickr set. They write on their blog:

It was more than a fairy tale, it was a dream come true. A gorgeous room filled with frosty winter silver and iridescent blue highlights glistening throughout. Thank you Nga & Eric for choosing Animated Cupcakes. 200 Red Velvets & 200 Hot Chocolate cupcakes were proudly displayed under a beautiful canopy stage.

Winter Wedding

Winter Wedding

Winter Wedding Cupcakes

Winter Wedding Cupcakes

Winter Wedding Cupcakes

Winter Wedding Cupcakes

Visit Animated Cupcakes on Facebook for more information. They do custom cupcakes but their pickup address is below.

Animated Cupcakes
10130 Garden Grove Blvd.
Garden Grove, CA, 92844
animated.cupcakes at gmail.com


Sue said…
i have recently started mking cupcakes for friends etc. i need help with my toppings as i dont no how to use a piping bag. all i ever do is buttercream or ganache rough looking i may say. please can you give me any ideas, what could i use insted of icing as a practise medium as this can get alittle pricy