NEW Vegan Cupcakes from Retro Bakery in Las Vegas!

Kari, one of the fantastic minds behind Retro Bakery in Las Vegas, has rolled out two new VEGAN cupcake flavors in her shop!!  These are the first two flavors... but Kari tells us that more are being tested in her kitchen!

Check out Retro Bakery's website, blog, Facebook, and Twitter!

From the Retro Bakery blog:

Available EVERY DAY:
VEGAN Crunchy Peanut Butter Cup
(chocolate cake topped with peanut butter UNbuttercream and chopped nuts)

Available BY REQUEST:
VEGAN Chocolate Loves Vanilla Bean
(chocolate cake topped with vanilla bean UNbuttercream)


Tasha Edwards said…
When I visit Las Vegas, there is no doubt that I will visit Retro Bakery! Thanks for posting a vegan cupcake.

The Sweetest Vegan