All these cupcakes are by London's Crumbs and Doilies, via Flickr and their most excellent blog. I didn't even know there was a Johnny Cupcakes London meetup last week - follow @JohnnyCupcakes for the latest news on the famous cupcake t-shirt maker.

Click here to read more about the John Burgerman cupcakes.

And while this Mendhi wedding topcake, which was paired with festive cupcakes, doesn't totally go with the others above, I thought it was beautiful. Click here to see a few others from that wedding.

Click here to read more about the John Burgerman cupcakes.

And while this Mendhi wedding topcake, which was paired with festive cupcakes, doesn't totally go with the others above, I thought it was beautiful. Click here to see a few others from that wedding.
