8 adorable cake pops from POP Bakery: koalas, The Beatles, sunflowers, wedding pops, cupcakes and more
These cake pops by the UK's POP Bakery, via their Facebook group. are so cute I couldn't resist once again posting lots of them! Which are your favorites? I'm torn between the bridge, groom and guests (the guy with glasses is impressive to me) and the koalas. Visit popbakery.co.uk for ordering information (8 pop minimum order). You can also find them on @POPbakery on Twitter and their blog if, like me, you just can't get enough of their cuteness.
cupcake cake pops
wedding cake pops
The Beatles!
fish cake pops
bridge, groom and guest cupcakes
sunflower cake pops
butterfly and flower cake pops
cupcake cake pops
wedding cake pops
The Beatles!
fish cake pops
bridge, groom and guest cupcakes
sunflower cake pops
butterfly and flower cake pops