Orange creamsicle cupcake and recipe link

This orange creamsicle cupcake comes to us via Yum Sugar, where user Nestingproject writes:

In honor of Florida I decided to make an orange creamsicle flavored cupcake. I used my favorite recipe from Nigella: the delicious and easy Fairycake recipe from her cookbook How to Be a Domestic Goddess. Then I added orange flavoring to the icing and the cupcake batter. Top it off with a candied orange slice and we are good to go.


Suzanne Warner said…
Friend piece of advice...I make a Orange Creamsicile Recipe that is a combination of a family recipe and my own creation. I started out bu using orange flavoring but you just don't get the same brightness as if you make it will real orange juice. My are topped with orange zest and it is one of my best sellers.