Peanut caramel corn, Swedish fish, vegan apple cider, strawberry banana, blueberry almond struesel and butterscotch sundae cupcakes!

I was recently in Vermont visiting family and while we stopped by Essex Junction, I didn't get to try any cupcakes, but I plan to go back and will definitely visit My Little Cupcake. All of these photos and descriptions are from their Facebook page.

Peanut caramel corn cupcake: "It's a vanilla cupcake with vanilla buttercream, caramel dizzle, sprinkled peanuts, and cracker jack popcorn!"

Swedish fish cupcake

Vegan apple cider cupcake (from yesterday's vegan Tuesday special)

Strawberry banana cupcake

Butterscotch sundae cupcake

"Your taste buds will go absolutely bananas today over this blueberry almond streusel. It's a perfect combination of blueberry cake, vanilla buttercream, and homemade streusel with chopped oats and almonds."
