Happy Leap Day! Leap Day babies get free cupcakes today at MyDelight Cupcakery in Ontario, Caliofrnia
If you've got a Leap Day birthday, bring your ID and get on over to MyDelight Cupcakery at 1520 N. Mountain Avenue in Ontario, California! Via their Facebook page. Visit mydelightcupcakery.com for more information.
breakfast cupcake: "Light and fluffy buttermilk cake, loaded with bits of apple wood smoked bacon, frosted with a light, and buttery maple frosting, topped with a drizzle of syrup and freshly crisped bacon"
"Blueberry Cinnamon Crunch: Fluffy, flavorful cinnamon cake stuffed with fresh blueberries, frosted with a light blueberry mousse, edged in crunchy granola bits, and topped with a fresh blueberry!"
"Red Velvet Deluxe: decadent Red Velvet cake, dipped in ganache, frosted with our signature cream cheese frosting swirled with chocolate mousse, topped with chocolate curls."
breakfast cupcake: "Light and fluffy buttermilk cake, loaded with bits of apple wood smoked bacon, frosted with a light, and buttery maple frosting, topped with a drizzle of syrup and freshly crisped bacon"
"Blueberry Cinnamon Crunch: Fluffy, flavorful cinnamon cake stuffed with fresh blueberries, frosted with a light blueberry mousse, edged in crunchy granola bits, and topped with a fresh blueberry!"
"Red Velvet Deluxe: decadent Red Velvet cake, dipped in ganache, frosted with our signature cream cheese frosting swirled with chocolate mousse, topped with chocolate curls."