Felix Baumgartner space jump cupcakes!

More proof that anything, even headline news, can be turned into a cupcake. It's by Chrömli made with love, a Zurich, Switzerland bakery, via Flickr. You can contact them at info at chromli.me and visit chroemli.me for more information, and also find them on Faebook.


Thanh Le said…
Dear blogger
I like your blog
It really is very useful and great

welcome to my blog
Interior Decorating, Home Design, Room Ideas
I've just found your blog and I like it a lot! These cupcakes are so funny and they look delicious
I watched this live with some people on holiday from Austria. They thought they would have to miss it. After it was over they bought two Red Bulls, paid and then handed one to my husband and one to me. This a funny cupcake! :D