Comedian Cupcake interview: Susie Felber

Name: Susie Felber
Age: Come 'ere and count my rings, baby...
Location: NYC & Sullivan County NY
Occupation: Writer, Comedian, etc.

How often do you eat cupcakes?

I would honestly answer "not often enough" but since I fear this answer has been done to death, instead, I will say that I eat cupcakes with my Latvian lover everyday, as we watch the sunset over the Krackwow volta delta river and discuss what celebrity image we'd most like to have on a whimsical keychain. And if that's wrong, I don't wanna to be right.

What's the best thing about eating cupcakes?

Neither the cup nor the cake. Icing.

Removing the icing on a cupcake is easier than the multi-step fork or spoon de-icification process involved with eating the best part of cake. it's right out there and if you lick it all off first it is not a faux pas.

What's your favorite type of cupcake?

A cupcake with 5 bazillion million trillion parts more icing than cake.
Adorable decorations A+

Note: you can see my desperately passionate love a certain tower of icing cupcake right here on this blog as a guest correspondent.

How do cupcakes compare/contrast to other baked goods for you?

You got me on this one. Damn, I should've studied harder! Is this going to hurt my chances of getting into law school?

Is there any innovation you'd like to see made to the cupcake that would improve it for you?

Yes. Please Mr. brillaint scientist, invent a spray that will instantly zap all the cake and leave only the icing. Then, we can use all those paper and foil cupcake liners for good (chipmonk jacuzzi's? Lampshades for Barbie's dream house?), and not evil (cake).

Do you bake your own cupcakes? Or (even better) have someone who bakes them for you?

Just as a drug addict shouldn't sell drugs, I don't bake my own cupcakes. If I baked my own, the next day I'd wake up in a gutter with crumbs on my face. Funny 'cause it's true.

What's your first cupcake-related memory?

The earliest? That would be from my first life. I was Alexander the Great. In 346 I made and gave out cupcakes on my birthday. This earned me my moniker... and a nasty rumor that I was gay.

What's the most fun you've ever had with a cupcake?

It was very romantic... last year a cupcake and I sailed together to Nantucket. Needless to say, it didn't last. I haven't seen it since.

Any other thoughts on the topic?

If cupcakes are outlawed, only outlaws will have cupcakes.
Peace out.


Robyn said…
"Just as a drug addict shouldn't sell drugs, I don't bake my own cupcakes. If I baked my own, the next day I'd wake up in a gutter with crumbs on my face. Funny 'cause it's true."

I completely relate. I'd probably have icing on my face and hands as well.