Reader query: Cinnamon-Cranberry goat cheese in frosting?

If you have an answer, please help our reader Jen out in the comments:

Hi.  I am making cupcakes for the wonderful staff at the Animal ER who took care of my Yorkie all week.  I have a HUGE log of Cinnamon-Cranberry goat cheese and was wondering if you think that could be incorporated into a cupcake frosting, and possible a cupcake favorite to pair it with.  It is a very sweet but tart cheese, I normally use it in mashed sweet potatoes or just on wheat crackers.  I am making traditional flavor cupcakes, but I would like to through in something a little ecclectic.  I thought the goat cheese might be interesting.


I'd say go for it. Check online for some cream cheese frosting recipes, and treat the goat cheese as if it were the cream cheese when making the frosting. You may need to increase the amount of powdered sugar to compensate for the tartness of the goat cheese, but start with the normal amount of sugar and just add more a little bit at a time until you get the flavor you want. Let us know how it turns out!
In the new Martha Stewart baking handbook she has a recipe for goatcheese buttercream frosting. So yes I would say it's possible. Not sure off hand how much the goatcheese buttercream recipe differs from the standard buttercream recipes.
Anonymous said…
Hi Rachel -

I just found this website because I'm looking for goat cheese with cranberry and cinnamon.

You posted back on 1-06 the following: "I have a HUGE log of Cinnamon-Cranberry goat cheese and was wondering."

I would love to know where you got the huge log of cinnamon cranberry goat cheese.

Anonymous said…

I just found this website because I have one of those goat cheese with cranberry and cinnamon and I'm looking for ideas for the best way to serve it. We are going to friends for dinner tonight and it just seems way too festive not to share with others. Anyway, it sounds like you have an idea you just need the cheese. Perhaps we can share? We got are cheese at Costco for about $8. I would love some suggestions - Just crackers? What kind of crackers would be best? What might go with it?