Birthday stars and cupcake decorations

Birthday cake
Originally uploaded by traceyannh.
I love little decorations on cupcakes, even if it's just sprinkles. They're an easy way to spruce up even an average-looking cupcake, and to me, the way a cupcake looks is just as important as the way it tastes (and let's not forget the way it smells - chocolate frosting seems to seep into my bloodstream even before I've taken my first bite!).

What are your favorite cupcake decorations?


Olivia said…
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Abby said…
White non-pareils! They can be cute, sassy and classy, all at once!
Diru said…
I love to use the sprinkle sugar! It comes in pretty colors and it's just sugary, but it makes cupcakes almost too sweet. That and I like rainbow ball sprinkles because they remind me of birthday cake!
Olivia said…
The simpler the better for me! I love a tiny flower as an embellishment, sprinkle sugar or plain old sprinkles. Yum!