Shanah contacted us via MySpace and as a Brooklyn resident, I think what she's doing is awesome and she delivers! Check out her site for some photos and more info on her cupcakes.
Name: Shanah Walton
Age: 29
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Occupation: Cupcake Queen
URL: www.brooklyncupcakes.com
Firstly, what makes you the Cupcake Queen?
Because I said so! No seriously, I believe in focusing on one thing and perfecting that, so in baking my cupcakes I look for perfection. I specialize in cupcakes and nothing else so if you order a cupcake from me, it should be the best cupcake you ever had!
How long have you been baking and where have you gotten most of your recipes? How much trial and error goes into a recipe before you finalize it?
I have been baking my whole life. Most of my recipes are variations or what I consider to be improvements to recipes I have found in cookbooks or online. Baking is a science and very precise and once you master the science and which ingredients provide what aspect to the final product, then you can adjust as needed.
Why and when did you decide to start Brooklyn Cupcakes? To what areas of Brooklyn do you deliver?
I started Brooklyn Cupcakes in 2004 as my maternity leave was coming to an end and I was looking for a home based business that I enjoyed and allowed me to spend time at home with my daughter. I deliver to Brooklyn and Manhattan mostly, but I am willing to travel if the order is large enough and the customer is willing to pay delivery charges which are usually between $10-$15.
Is there anything specifically “New York” or “Brooklyn” about your cupcakes?
Good question. Being that I am a native New Yorker and Brooklynite, my work ethic and business tactics are very "Brooklynesque," meaning that I am very fast paced and to the point, and the cupcakes are in the sense that I provide a variety and the flavors are diverse just like NYC.
How far in advance should orders be placed? Are there times of the day or week that are busiest for you?
I encourage customers to give me 48 hours' notice for all orders. Friday night and Saturdays are by far my busiest for baking and on Mondays I am super busy taking care of the other aspects of my business.
Why did you choose to focus on cupcakes as opposed to other baked goods?
Cupcakes are cute, less bulky than sliced cake, and the mere mention of them seems to make people happy.
Where have most of your customers come from so far?
Most of my customers find me online, if you do search for red velvet cupcakes in Brooklyn, my name pops up!
What’s your most popular cupcake?
My most popular cupcake is definitely the red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting and crushed pecans.
You offer birthday party packages; what goes into those?
I don't offer party packages as of right now but I do have a Birthday cupcake which is a Cupcake Royale (it's three times the size of a classic cupcake) and it has a cream filling, sprinkles and Happy Birthday decorative pick.
Do you also do weddings and special events?
Yes, I do. I have done album release parties, video shoots and weddings.
What's been the most fun cupcake order or project you've worked on?
I made cupcakes for a couple who had a New York themed wedding held at the River Cafe under the Brooklyn Bridge. The setting was beautiful, I made an assortment of cupcakes and they even included my business in the wedding program!
Your cupcakes are also for sale at Denzil’s Juice Cafe on Rutland Road in Brooklyn. Are they there every day? Do you plan to make them available in more cafes?
I supply Denzil’s about once a week they only carry the cookies n cream and the strawberry shortcake cupcake royale right now. I am currently only supplying them but I am definitely open to sell my cupcakes at other retailers.
And now for some personal questions…
How often do you eat cupcakes?
At least once a week, but usually more than that. (Hey, I have to maintain quality control!)
What's the best thing about eating cupcakes?
My cupcakes are a perfect balance of frosting and cake which is something that I found hard to find when I was just a cupcake consumer.
What's your favorite type of cupcake?
My favorite is the Strawberry Shortcake Cupcake Royale - it's a jumbo sized yellow cupcake with strawberry filling and fresh whipped cream topped w a strawberry
How do cupcakes compare/contrast to other baked goods for you?
I am a dessertaholic but cupcakes are near and dear to my heart and I love experimenting and making traditional desserts into cupcake form. I have done Black Forest cupcakes, pumpkin cheesecake cupcakes and I currently offer Strawberry Shortcake cupcakes so for me there is no difference, they are one and the same.
Is there any innovation you'd like to see made to the cupcake that would improve it for you?
Well, not so much for the cupcakes, but for the packaging, the cupcake baking cups and more environmentally friendly containers and carriers.
Do you bake your own cupcakes? Or (even better) have someone who bakes them for you?
I bake all my cupcakes myself. Of course, as business progresses, I will have to hire additional hands but right now its just myself and sometimes my daughter Aminah. I call her the "Cupcake Princess!"
What's your first cupcake-related memory?
My mom and I baking cupcakes for a school bake sale when I was in the 5th grade. Little did I know then that baking would one day become my passion and profession!
What's the most fun you've ever had with a cupcake?
I have fun with cupcakes everytime I have my daughter in the kitchen helping me bake.
Do you have anything else to add?
Yes. If you have a passion for something you owe to yourself to at least try to make it a reality, no matter how unconventional it seems.
You are very creative! Keep it up!