A dad and cupcake lover emailed us these photos of his daughter Shaena, along with his step by step process of creating a giant dog cupcake set! We've seen pupcakess before around here, but never anything like this. So here are his words and very simple yet utterly creative adventures in making his daughter's birthday a really unique event:
We celebrated Shaena's birthday party this year at the activity center of a nearby county park. They provided the activities, but we provided the refreshments. The birthday girl's request: hot dogs and pickles for lunch, and homemade cupcakes as the "cake."
Shaena and her mom had hit the party store a few days earlier to pick up party supplies -- paper plates, napkins, balloons, and the like -- and returned with items all on a "puppy theme." So we figured that the "cake" ought to match the theme, if possible. As we were working on the project, we started calling them her "pupcakes," and the term stuck.
We made about four dozen yellow cake cupcakes. More than enough for each guest to have one, but the extra would give us a little extra flexibility in the design. Also, we kept them modest in size, just "level" with the top of the cupcake wrapper. It looked like this "layout" would work for us:

Next, chocolate icing on some and white icing on the rest. We applied this with a piping bag, which gave each cake a little more texture, and gave "pup" a look reminiscent of a curly-haired pooch:

Shaena looked on eagerly as we assembled the project:

We were giving out "Air Heads" candy in the party goody bag. I grabbed a blue and a pink one, and carved them up to add some finishing details:

The party was great fun! No sedate arts-and-crafts party for this girl this year: it was a solid hour of running around: playing indoor soccer, a few versions tag, and "duck, duck, goose" became "cat, cat, dog." The guests had a great time, the moms admired the effort of our homespun "pupcake," and Shaena wrapped up the party by blowing out the "whiskers" -- er, candles -- on her custom cake.
We celebrated Shaena's birthday party this year at the activity center of a nearby county park. They provided the activities, but we provided the refreshments. The birthday girl's request: hot dogs and pickles for lunch, and homemade cupcakes as the "cake."
Shaena and her mom had hit the party store a few days earlier to pick up party supplies -- paper plates, napkins, balloons, and the like -- and returned with items all on a "puppy theme." So we figured that the "cake" ought to match the theme, if possible. As we were working on the project, we started calling them her "pupcakes," and the term stuck.
We made about four dozen yellow cake cupcakes. More than enough for each guest to have one, but the extra would give us a little extra flexibility in the design. Also, we kept them modest in size, just "level" with the top of the cupcake wrapper. It looked like this "layout" would work for us:

Next, chocolate icing on some and white icing on the rest. We applied this with a piping bag, which gave each cake a little more texture, and gave "pup" a look reminiscent of a curly-haired pooch:

Shaena looked on eagerly as we assembled the project:

We were giving out "Air Heads" candy in the party goody bag. I grabbed a blue and a pink one, and carved them up to add some finishing details:

The party was great fun! No sedate arts-and-crafts party for this girl this year: it was a solid hour of running around: playing indoor soccer, a few versions tag, and "duck, duck, goose" became "cat, cat, dog." The guests had a great time, the moms admired the effort of our homespun "pupcake," and Shaena wrapped up the party by blowing out the "whiskers" -- er, candles -- on her custom cake.
