Make Mine a Million $ Business and Count Me In

This is not directly about cupcakes, but it couuld be. One of my favorite parts of blogging here is doing cupcake interviews with bakery owners. If you read our cupcake interviews, or just look around, you'll see that most of the cupcake bakeries being opened these days are opened by women. Often this is their first business, and many, like the owners of sugar Sweet sunshine, had no prior baking experience. I have no bakery-owning ambitions myself, but they always inspire me because they started with just a dream and have turned bakeries across the country and the world into the successes you see linked on the right hand side.

So when I got an email from our friends over at SmartsCo, who make gift items of trivia games like BabySmarts and ChocolateSmarts, I was reminded about the Make Mine a Million $ Business program and Count Me In, both geared toward helping female business owners. If you're one of them, or want to be one of them, I encourage you to check out these programs. (And please note that we do not favor women over male bakery owners, but it's clear that women are the driving force behind the bulk of the cupcake-only businesses, whether opening them alongside men, often in couples, or forming partnerships with other women, and I can only speak for myself, but I think that's wonderful.)

Count Me In for Women’s Economic Independence introduced the Make Mine a Million $ BusinessTM program and our Micro to MillionsTM program to help women micro entrepreneurs grow and build sustainable enterprises, create jobs and develop innovative products and services.

Make Mine a Million $ Business is a program of Count Me In -- and founding partner, OPEN from American Express®. The program provides access to money, mentoring, marketing and technology tools that women entrepreneurs need to help grow their businesses. Count Me In launched the dynamic movement of Make Mine a Million $ Business to inspire one million women entrepreneurs to reach annual revenues of 1 Million $ by the year 2010.

Count Me In for Women’s Economic Independence is the leading national not-for-profit provider of micro loans and business education for women entrepreneurs. Count Me In provides access to financing up to $45,000 along with other resources for women who are starting or growing their businesses.
