Celebrating our 5,000th post and the Cupcakes Take the Cake FAQ

I can hardly believe it, but this is our 5,000th post. This means that there's a LOT in our archives (see bottom right side under cupcake and foodie links) to explore. Here's some helpful hints, and we will update this FAQ as needed.

Please tell us, in the comments or by writing to us if you have questions you'd like answered or there are ways we could improve the site. We love your feedback, enthusiasm, and participation in the site, Meetups, Flickr, and general cupcake community, which is what this website feels like to us.

Cupcakes Take the Cake Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who are you?

We are three friends who all love cupcakes. We live in New York City. Allison Bojarski is a personal trainer at CrossFitNYC, Rachel Kramer Bussel is an author and editor, and Nichelle Stephens is a bookkeeper and comedy producer. Stacie Joy is a photographer and editor.

Why did you start Cupcakes Take the Cake?

We were inspired by the opening of New York City bakery Sugar Sweet Sunshine and the release of Clare Crespo’s book Hey There, Cupcake!, as well as the success of our friends who run the pizza blog Slice. We thought there just might be others as into cupcakes as we were, and we were right!

Do you sell cupcakes?

We don’t sell cupcakes, but we link to over 100 bakeries (divided into NYC bakeries, non-NYC U.S. bakeries, and international bakeries) on the right-hand side. You can also search the search box in our upper left-hand corner to find out about cupcakes in your city.

Where are the recipes?

We link to and post recipes from our readers, fellow bloggers, news stories, and cookbooks when they are available to us. If you search “recipes” in the upper left-hand search box, you will come across some. Visit this post (TO ADD) for a rundown of popular cupcake recipe sites.

Some of our popular recipes we've blogged include:

Amy Sedaris’s vanilla cupcake recipe
Hi-Hat cupcakes from Elinor Klivans's Cupcakes!
caramel popcorn cupcake recipe
white chocolate cupcakes with peppermint buttercream frosting

Click here to see all our posts labeled recipes

There are also lots of other great cupcake recipe sites - see our Cupcake and Foodie Links at right.

How do I get my photos added to your site?

The best way to do so is to join photo-sharing site Flickr.com and then add your photos to our Flickr pool (http://www.flickr.com/groups/cupcakestakethecake/pool/). We selectively post photos from that pool. Alternately, you can email them to us at cupcakestakethecake at gmail.com. Please note that because of the large number of submissions, we cannot post every photo that is sent to us.

I sent you an email and haven’t heard back. What’s up?

We try to respond to all emails and requests as soon as possible. If you have an urgent question and haven’t gotten an answer within a week, please email us again.

How do I join your Cupcake Meetups?

Cupcake Meetups are held at various cities, and we are always looking for hosts in new cities. See our Meetup Alliance page or contact us for more information.

Individual links:

NYC Cupcake Meetup

LA Cupcake Meetup

San Francisco Cupcake Meetup

What happens at your Cupcake Meetups?

Generally, a group meets at a local bakery, with each person ordering and paying for their own cupcakes, and then people often taste and share cupcakes and compare which ones they like best. Sometimes, groups meet and do cupcake swaps or picnics.

Where can I get a Cupcakes Take the Cake t-shirt?

We’re glad you asked! You can get t-shirts, sweatshirts, onesies, bigs and bags in our Cafepress store.

How do I take your cupcake interview?

We have interviewed over 100 people about cupcakes, from readers to bakery owners to Lisa Loeb. We’d love to interview you – just drop us a line at cupcakestakethecake at yahoo.com and tell us you’d like to be interviewed. If you run a bakery or your own cupcake business, let us know that as well.


Brownie said…
Happy 5,000th post! And many more!
congratulations on all of your success, ladies! you are an inspiration to so many people and I can't wait to see you on Martha. :) What a great way to celebrate.
Anonymous said…
Congrats! Thank you for putting up a wonderful site. I always look at it everyday.
lydz said…
Anonymous said…
Congratulations and Thank you!!
MissGinsu said…
Well done! You ladies work so hard! Can't wait to see all you have in store...
Unknown said…
Happy 5000th post!!! it is way too much fun to pop by here and enjoy all the delights...

Here's to 5000 more!!!!

Sweetkups.com said…
Congrats! I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves here at Sweetkups in Miami, FL. We started baking for our customers this year. Visit our site at www.sweetkups.com.
Anonymous said…
Today is Wednesday and I need this answer by Friday. My Granddaughter's 2nd Birthday is in 3 days. My daughter Megan, the baby's mother...says we should bake the cupcakes before the party starts so they will be fresh. Since there is so much else to do I'd rather make them a couple of days before (the day before we have to be out of town at a family funeral). Someone told us we could freeze the cupcakes plain and take them out to thaw and then frost them. Is 2 days ahead of time too long a time for cupcakes to sit or should we freeze them
Anonymous said…
Check out Chocolat Tango, a small female-owned gourmet cupcake company on MySpace! The most elite and satisfying place to quench the traditional and non-conventional palates alike.

Check us out!

**29 flavors and a pocketful of dreams**
Ruth said…
Just stumbled across this blog. So cool! I much prefer cupcakes over cakes. Has there ever been cup cakes for a wedding verses the traditional cake? I would much rather do that if I ever get married again.
Anonymous said…

I thought I'd share Cupcake Camp with everyone...happening here in Toronto, Ontaio Canada on Jan. 25.

stacysings said…
Hi I love your blog. I am a new cupcake baker and can't stop. HELP
I was wondering what are the best places you know to get cupcake boxes, I would love eco-friendly ones.
God bless,
thh said…
Hi, hey check out the cool pans on this site were you can make cupcake in ice cream cones, its fun and easy its kupcakekonz.com
congrads on 5000 cupcakes take the cake
Dozens Cupcakes said…
Wow 5,000th post, that is truly amazing! Your site is my homepage and I am not sure I could live without it! I just opened a new cupcakery in Katy, TX called Dozens and I am having the time of my life researching and developing new cupcake flavors. Please view our site at www.dozenscupcakes.com.

Thanks for the awesome site...we in the cupcake world salute you!!!

Samantha Crosby
Dozens Cupcakery