Cupcake porn

Sometimes people (including us) refer to our site as "cupcake porn," a subset of the general category otherwise known as "food porn."

Here's how Wikipedia defines "food porn:"

Food porn is a sarcastic term for a spectacular visual presentation of cooking or eating in advertisements, infomercials, cooking shows or other visual media. In the United Kingdom,[citation needed] food porn is usually acknowledged as advertisements where food is presented in an 'arousing' manner, with water dripping from it in order to imitate a person with sweat dripping from them. Infomercials that include these techniques are most notably the food advertisements from the Marks and Spencers advertisement campaign. In its December, 2003, newsletter, the Center for Science in the Public Interest called Hardee's Thickburgers "food porn." [1]

Some images cry out for the label more than others. I think this one below, of a cupcake from Lark Cake Shop in Silverlake, Caifornia, taken by Flickr user maitaimai99, fits especially well.
