Obama, Clinton and McCain cupcakes

Hudson, Ohio's Main Street Cupcakes now offers special Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John McCain cupcakes:

Sweet and Salty Chocolate Popcorn cupcakes for Barack Obama:

Barack Obama cupcakes from Hudson, Ohio's Main Street Cupcakes

Big Apple cupcakes for Hillary Clinton:
Hillary Clinton cupcakes from Hudson, Ohio's Main Street Cupcakes

Dessert Crumb Cake cupcakes for John McCain:

John McCain cupcakes from Hudson, Ohio's Main Street Cupcakes


Kimberly Ann said…
Interesting idea. Is Obama a fan of popcorn or is that a big item from Illinois?
TheSueFunke said…
They should make Green Tea Cupcakes for Nadar
Jackson West said…
Illinois is a big corn-growing state. What would be funnier is bourbon cupakes -- with extra ethanol!
Anonymous said…
It was great meeting you guys last week!!! Is there any ordering information, popcorn on cupcakes sounds... interesting.
Anonymous said…
I live in Hudson and often visit Main Street cupcakes and I actually got a chance to try the popcorn cupcake it tastes just like chocolate covered popcorn love it! Gotta love their creativity.
Sarah Burke said…
i too am from near hudson and whenever i'm home i go to main street cupcakes. it is ADORABLE. and the cupcakes are sooo good. their red velvet is particularly good.
Anonymous said…
I'd eat them all! The chocolate popcorn idea is very unique.
Liz said…
Another Hudson resident here! I'm so going there to pick up one of each!
Susie Felber said…
Honestly salty cupcakes for Obama reminds me of South Park and Chef's salty balls. I know, I'm terrible.

Also, McCain's cupcake is not a cupcake! That is a muffin wearing a hat! Cue: Discussion about how Repubs don't see him as a true Conservative

Oh and Hillary's cupcake looks like a hot tomato, but I support all that yummy icing, if not her campaign.
Anonymous said…
Hey, where's the Sarah Palin cupcake? (pretty but with little substance...and lots of icing...)

Anyway, I bow low to your skills here: http://www.badhomecooking.com/bad_home_cooking/2009/01/obama-cupcakes-just-because-we-can.html