Cupcakes from Lots of Sprinkles

From blogger Lots of Sprinkles (from Flickr):

Bailey's Bombshell cupcake - chocolate cupcake with caramel bailey's filling

From a different batch - inside the Bailey's Bombshell cupcake:

Lychee cupcake with peach white chocolate icing:

Tiramisu cupcakes:

Inside the tiramisu cupcake:

Chocolate devil:


Brownie said…
The one with the caramel filling looks to die for!!!
Gypsy Pie said…
Do you realize what kind of torture it is not having a recipe to match the cupcake in the picture...?
Anonymous said…
I love the way these cupcakes look. I want to eat one right now!
Anonymous said…
I am a cupcake addict - and was so thrilled to have found your blog!

I purchased some cupcakes from Sugarbaby's (in Houston) on Friday. The Java Chocolate is awesome - but, to be honest - I was a little less than impressed with some of the others. For almost $2.00 - $3.25 EACH - I was expecting a little more....

Well, guess that means I just need to practice baking my own....ha!
Anonymous said…
Just wanted to say thank you for posting my cupcake pics :D I've added the Baileys Bombshell recipe on my blog if anyone is interested...
Anonymous said…
Hi Sharon,
Gorgeous cuppie creations! Beautiful photography, you've captured these babies so nicely.
Love your work!
Perth WA
Tania Hershman said…
I've just found this blog, and I can't believe it, it's food porn. Incredible pictures. Wow. Thank you. I am in a country with NO cupcakes at all.... it's terribly sad. I will have to make myself some. Will be heading over to No Sparkles to get that recipe.

giz said…
I want to be a kid again and just stuff an icing laden cupcake in my face and have sprinkles everywhere - that's what seeing wonderful cupcakes does to me. It's so fun bringing out the child in all of us. I think that's what makes cupcakes so ever popular.