Cakespy is an awesome blog with plenty of cupcake (and other baked good) action.
The main Cake-spyer is Jessie Oleson, who also makes incredible cupcake art, which she sells on Etsy. Here are some recent favorites we found of hers on Flickr.
American Gothic Cupcakes:

Cupcakes at the library:

And my personal favorite...karoke cuppie!

See all her cupcake artwork, sold and for sale, in this Flickr set. Her Etsy prices are very reasonable and these make great gifts. See also our interview with Jessie.
The main Cake-spyer is Jessie Oleson, who also makes incredible cupcake art, which she sells on Etsy. Here are some recent favorites we found of hers on Flickr.
American Gothic Cupcakes:

Cupcakes at the library:

And my personal favorite...karoke cuppie!

See all her cupcake artwork, sold and for sale, in this Flickr set. Her Etsy prices are very reasonable and these make great gifts. See also our interview with Jessie.