Free cupcakes at Crumbs in LA (Larchmont) May 29th

Via Eater LA:

Mark your calendars: May 29th means free cupcakes in the Larchmont Village neighborhood of Los Angeles, California at the new Crumbs Bakeshop.

From Eater LA:

Let us be the first to tell you, Larchmontians: Crumbs Bake Shop opens on May 29, and with it comes 1,000 free cupcakes. When the company's first West Coast cupcakerie opened in Beverly Hills last September, the lines, we're told, snaked down the block and the free cupcakerage was gone before noon. That's 1,000 cupcakes gone before 12pm, people. Having hordes descend on sleepy Larchmont Village might reignite the anger that locals had over losing their beloved mom-and-pop shops. Then again, there's nothing that a free Oreo cookie or blueberry cobbler sugar-bomb cupcake can't cure. Freebies start at 8am. (216 N. Larchmont Blvd, 323.464.8400)


Anonymous said…
Blah, Crumbs is one of the worst cupcakes I've eaten. All the flavor is in the frosting which is piled on top--the cake itself is practically flavorless. Overpriced and overhyped!
Anonymous said…
if you want to talk about flavorless and DRY cake, then lets talk Sprinkles. Now THAT is overpriced and overhyped!
Anonymous said…
Sprinkles flavorless? What? The main complaint about Sprinkles is that they're too sweet! Their red velvet is aromatic and moist, and their strawberry is full of flavor. Some flavors like vanilla and milk chocolate taste like air though, yes. I'd take Sprinkles over Crumbs any day (Crumbs' red velvet tasted like it sat next to a Sprinkles' red velvet and the faintest taste rubbed off on it, not to mention the sickening cream cheese that tasted worse the day after).

Both are overpriced though, but hey what else do you expect from living in LA?