Our Cakespy interview from Renegade Craft Fair

Jessie Oleson of Cakepy with a Kumquat Cupcakery mini cupcake

I had the pleasure of meeting Jessie Oleson of Cakespy, who was in town from Seattle, at the Renegade Craft Fair on June 14th, right before our picnic. We talked about her character Cuppie, her prolificness, and which piece is most popular. I had previously interviewed her via email. Just as I stepped over, two women approached and said that Jessie was the reason they'd attended the craft fair (me too!). I wound up buying an adorable little Diet Coke and Cuppie drawing, much like the one below (via Flickr), forgoing the one of a subway stop near me for another time.

I gave Jessie a mini peanut butter and chocolate cupcake from Kumquat Cupcakery and then asked her some questions about her art. More photos in my Flickr set. Watch here:

You can check out our other cupcake journalism at the Cupcakes Take the Cake YouTube channel.

Cakespy art, Renegade Craft Fair


Anonymous said…
Hooray for Cakespy! We love all those adorable cuppies!!

Anonymous said…
Aww Jessie is so cute! We love cakespy!!!
She is cuter than her cuppies!
Cakespy said…
This was so, so so much fun to do--thank you again!!!