Cupcakes and champagne?

Do cupcakes and champagne go together? In this photo by our friend and past interviewee Violet Blue (via Flickr) they do!

What do you think? Cupcakes and alcohol - yay or nay?


Charlotte said…
a big yay! Perfect for an engagement party!
Sarah said…
Cupcakes and champagne? Yay! I would love to have cupcakes and champagne at my wedding someday!
Anonymous said…
My weekends are usually full of cupcakes and boxed wine (I'm a classy broad, I know). They go together surprisingly well!
LAura said…
Vanilla Cupcakes and Cupcake Chardonnay (can be found at Cost Plus World Market) is the way to go! It's good times!
Anonymous said…
C/C Yay!
Anonymous said…
I'd go for a rich chocolate cupcake and a glass of red port!
Girl said…
Definitely yay!
The Smart Tart said…
Nay! Although I wouldn't refuse a breakfast of mimosas and lemon meringue cupcakes...
Anonymous said…
yay! definitely. champagne and cupcakes are the perfect way to feel like marie antoinette.