Bre Pettis to host cupcake decorating contest at Ignite NYC II

Bre Pettis to host cupcake decorating contest 9/15

photo of Bre Pettis with cupcake via Flickr

Bre Pettis will host a cupcake decorating contest in New York City on September 15th. Also there will be free beer. (Look for an announcement about our NYC Cupcake Meetup's next event on September 17th soon too; it's Web 2.0-related). Both events are centered around the Web 2.0 Expo New York.

If you plan on entering the cupcake decorating competition plan on bringing your own decorations. We will have some on-hand but if you are going to be the cupcake decorating champion of NYC then you'll need to bring something unique. You will not be required to use our cupcakes; feel free to bring your own.

Here is a rough schedule for how the night will go.
7:15 Door & Bar opens
7:30 Cupcake Contest Begins
8:15 Cupcakes Contest Ends
8:45 Ignite Talks Begin

You can RSVP on Facebook or Upcoming for the cupcake decorating contest.

September 15, 2008
New World Stages
340 West 50th Street)
New York, NY
