photo by Chris Leaman for The Washingtonian
Congratulations to Delleicious DC blogger and Washington, DC/Metro Area Cupcake Meetup organizer Danielle Buckley, who was recently interviewed for The Washingtonian's Blogger Beat - they included her blog stats (400 hits/day) and meetup group members (220).
Last cupcake you ate and where it was from:
“A pumpkin-spice cupcake from Hello Cupcake in Dupont Circle. It was without a doubt the best vegan cupcake I’ve ever had, way better than anything from Sticky Fingers, which is a vegan bakery. I was enjoying it over a cup of coffee with my DC/Metro Cupcake Meetup Group.”
Favorite cupcake place in Washington:
“Hello Cupcake. I love the frosting, I love the flavors, the staff is friendly, it’s in a convenient location, and, most importantly, I can sit down right there and enjoy my cupcake.”
Cupcake place not worth the hype:
“CakeLove. I wish someone would explain to me how on earth this place got itself on the map. The cake is dry, the icing is gross and oily, and the presentation looks like the product of a five-year-old’s baking experiment. I’d get more pleasure from eating a handful of dirt. Okay not really, but you get the point.”