Following the Milwaukee Cupcake Queen's Adventures in NYC

If you don't already, you should be reading No One Puts Cupcake In a Corner. One of our favorite cupcake-themed blogs out there, Sandy, a.k.a. the Milwaukee Cupcake Queen recently got to tour NYC's best cupake bakeries (and meet 2 out of 3 of us--I was unfortunately not able to meet her myself) and has been blogging all about it:

Off to the Big Apple with 5 minutes to spare
Sugar Sweet Sunshine
How Sweet It Is
Baked (she even made it all the way out to Red Hook, Brooklyn!)

Check out all of her photos from her NYC adventure on this Flickr photo set.


Susie said…
She's the best!! And, if you haven't played Iron Cupcake yet, you are missing out!! Totally fun:-)