Chocolate bacon cupcake: more bacon madness!

Even more bacon cupcake madness! Ohnochriso's sharing his success with All Recipe's Dark Chocolate Bacon cupcakes. Will the bacon cupcake fad end soon? For all you bacon lovers out there (ELD, I'm looking at you) I hope not. Ohnochristo's had such great results with his baking experimentation, he says it'll be a new holiday tradition.

Anyone else made these? Will you try them for your holiday cupcake treat?


Anonymous said…
Me? Are you looking at ME? You don't know me...
Stacie Joy said…
You are right. I *don't* know you, because you are anonymous. However...your ISP isn't, Seattle. Why bother hiding?
ohnochriso said…
Aww, thanks for blogging my cupcake photo! They are super tasty and everyone should try making them for sure.
Stacie Joy said…
It was my pleasure, ohnochriso! Nice work, great pictures, and thanks for providing the recipe link. Kudos!
Anonymous said…
Wow. Bacon on cupcakes. VooDoo Donuts in Portland, OR has a maple bar donut that is topped with strips of bacon. Haven't tried it yet, but bacon seems to be the new dessert!