Violet at Cupcake Fetish recently attended (and judged!) a cupcake eating contest in Pittsburgh at Dozen Bake Shop. Here's what she said, and visit cupcake Fetish for the full story and more photos:
After all of the contestants and their counters got settled at a long table, Andrew (the other owner of Dozen) started placing trays of cupcakes in front of each contestant while Bob, a representative of the IFCE, went over the rules. Each contestant had three minutes to consume as many cupcakes as possible. At the end of the three minutes, the last cupcake had to be entirely in the contestant's mouth (but not swallowed) to count in their final tally. Each contestant was offered a large glass of water or milk. (Only one person took the milk, and I have no idea what he was thinking.)
After all of the contestants and their counters got settled at a long table, Andrew (the other owner of Dozen) started placing trays of cupcakes in front of each contestant while Bob, a representative of the IFCE, went over the rules. Each contestant had three minutes to consume as many cupcakes as possible. At the end of the three minutes, the last cupcake had to be entirely in the contestant's mouth (but not swallowed) to count in their final tally. Each contestant was offered a large glass of water or milk. (Only one person took the milk, and I have no idea what he was thinking.)
