These are a great holiday present or any-occasion gift. I saw them mentioned in the December edition of Cosmopolitan, where they were listed as a eluxury.com gift, but I wasn't able to find them there. I did find them on thisnext.com, where they are listed and linked to Nordstroms, where they are currently unavailable. Cosmo listed them singly at $18, but I only found them as a group of three for about $45. Not cheap, but so well-packaged, I may just succumb.
I searched eBay for them and was astounded to see how many cupcake-themed items Juicy Couture produces. Clearly they are also fellow cupcake-lovers. Anyone have any of their charms, ceramic items, warm-up sets, necklaces, hats, mittens, scarves, etc? Are they worth the price tag?
Just as I was about to post this entry, it occurred to me that Rachel, Nichelle or Allison might have posted one just like it before me, and, of course, one of them did. Right here. Can't put anything past them! These panties are so cute, I'm reposting. So there!
