The Last Airbender Avatar cupcakes

These are from the blog The HomeSchooled Year for their little boy's birthday. More info there:

I was really pleased with how these came out. This method allowed me to take my time and work in advance. I was also pleased with these because it’s the 1st time I’ve ever created a theme with cupcakes. I had no desire to make 24 cupcake toppers, so I did 4 character toppers, and did something different with the rest of the cupcakes.

I made Aang’s Air Nomad marking on them with color sugar. I made a stencil for the top of the cupcake out of parchment paper (it doesn’t stick to the icing), and then rolled the frosted cupcakes in a bowl of the blue sugar to create the arrow. I, personally, think they came out really well. Figuring something out from the concept stage to the implementation stage was really fun, and rewarding, for me.

Avatar cupcakes


Eryn said…
Eeee! I'm so excited to see my cupcakes here :) I have friends that make constant fun of me for how often I check in on this blog. They just don't get it ;)

I was up until some ungodly hour making these, because I worked on them after my son went to bed.

Thanks for the post! I'm gonna be dancing for days!
Sharon said…
These are adorable!! They must have taken so long to decorate! I especially like Ang and Appa (heheh they were my favorite characters :D) It's very rare for character cupcakes to look similar to the actual cartoons and you managed to do it so well! congratulations they look great!