Cupcake mints, frosting-flavored!

More cupcake love from Exit 9! I saw these and had to buy them for Rachel. I wish I had asked her if I could taste one, but I didn't. So, we'll have to wait and hear from her about the frosting-flavored "mints." But how sweet is the metal tin? Score! These were a gift, so I'll not post the price, but they are not very expensive.

More of our local royalty, the Bulgarian Prince, Nico.


frenchfries said…
yummy! i ate cup cakes while composing the greatest barack obama themed dance jam ever.
Anonymous said…
These are actually pretty yummy, although quite hard (don't chomp on them). I picked them up at a local grocery store near my Mother's in Dallas, TX. :)
Unknown said…


I live in the UK but when I was on holiday in Vegas last summer I grabbed a few packs from Hot Topic. I've still not seen them over here yet! But cupcake madness is slowly spreading! :)