Cupcake Photo Roundup: Clever Cupcakes

Stingray cupcake. How many stingray cupcakes have you seen before? None.

I've been enjoying Clever Cupcakes' Flickr posts for some time now, but only recently were the images licensed with Creative Commons, so I wasn't able to blog them. Many thanks to Michelle of Clever Cupcakes for switching licenses so that we can ethically and legally use her gorgeous pictures!

Elroy Jetson! I used to say Rut-Roh, Rel-Roy all the time.

Lonely clown.

There's really nothing that she hasn't done well. You can also taste these terrific treats if you are in Montreal, Canada, and you can keep up with Clever Cupcakes at its blog.


Anonymous said…
Curious, is this blog related to this

I recently had to reformat my computer and when I searched 'Cupcakes Take' this came up. Just wanted to know if I missed some breaking news.
Danelle said…
I love the packing-moving themed cupcakes! How clever! :)
Anonymous said…
Lonely? That's clearly a DEAD clown! Just look at his eyes - the universal cartoon symbol for dead.
The bag and shoes are awesome, but how lovely would it be tfor someone to throw you a moving party with those fantastic moving-themed cupcakes? I should be so lucky!