Hip-Hop Cupcakes!

I know, you are probably still reeling from my admission about the Grateful Dead, but here's another shocker for ya: I love hip-hop. It's true! Actually, I like almost all music, with the notable exceptions of opera (I had a bad Deflatermouse once), country-western (I grew up in the south, sue me), and atonal jazz (my ex-husband's favorite). Anyway, back to the hip-hop love, I was thrilled to see these cupcakes, photo by zombie squirrels:

Ray's hip-hop cupcakes

Excellent work!

Note: My birthday is April 5, and I'd be delighted if you guys got me hip-hop cupcakes. Confused, yes, but still happy!


Muznah said…
my birthday is also april 5!! :) and i love cupcakes too. Great blog btw!
Anonymous said…
LOL, my birthday is April 5th as well, we should all get together for cupcakes!
Stacie Joy said…
Rock on fellow April Fivers!
Jennywenny said…
Cool! I made these cupcakes, feel free to stop by my blog and see how I made them!
Anonymous said…
I was the requester of this order and I'm telling you, they were completely scrumptious and my husband was very excited about them!