Cupcake dental floss - yes, it exists!

And it's coming soon (no price listed) to Perpetual Kid, which also sells the cupcake bandages. I am SO ordering some because, um (confession time here), I haven't been to the dentist in about 5 years and am long overdue for a visit. I'm petrified too, but am trying to take better care of my teeth. The logic behind this product kindof eludes me, it's just so crazy.

What do you think? Cool or crazy?

Cupcake floss!!!!

Turn a boring nightly routine into a party in your mouth with Cupcake Floss! Be careful though, the delicious frosting flavor might turn you into a flossaholic!
Each 2.5" tall plastic dispenser contains 27.3 yards of waxed floss.


Anonymous said…
this is a dental floss that would make frank zappa proud. perhaps this is what he had in mind.

must be the day for dental floss (and zappa) as I posted about this very topic today
Anonymous said…
duuuuuude. Really? Well I guess it's no different than my brandy flavored toothpaste that I picked up in Australia.
Deeply troubling.
Kelli said…
finally something that might get me to floss. hehe
Sandra said…
Fun Floss!

You know, we get a kick out of how many customers visit our shop that declare "we just came from the dentist"! We also have lots of dental and orthodontist assistants that pop in during their lunch break.
(and) Just this Friday we had a dental office call to get the price of 25 dozen babycakes. We didn't ask why! ;)
Jessica Shaw said…
OH MY GOSH! I need to get me some of this! I love to floss, and why not floss with cupcake flavoring, LOL.
Unknown said…
That cupcake dental floss sounds amazing! I'm going to have to get my dentist in victoria bc to start giving it out. Way more people would floss if the had this.