I made some scrumptious vanilla-buttermilk cupcakes, filled with (SpoonNYC) lemon curd, with lemon-zest cream cheese frosting, and I'd like to top with a slice of fresh strawberry. Thing is, almost every time I see this done elsewhere the strawberry (or other hapless fruit) just disintegrates, browns, and well, uglifies.
Of course, I'll be placing the fruit on moments before I leave the apartment with the cupcakes, but it could be a full 2 hours before they are eaten. Anyone have any suggestions for treating the fruit? Dipped in egg whites and sugared? That kind of ruins the fresh fruit aspect. Oh, and NO GELATIN. (I'm a vegetarian.)

Please leave your suggestions below in the comments, or you can email me at thepixeltrix at gmail dot com. I'm ever so grateful!
Edit/Update: Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your emails and comments and assistance. I'm very thankful to be able to tap into your collective wisdom. At present, it seems to be a toss up between a light layer of heated jam (such as apricot) to "seal" the strawberries, lemon-juicing them lightly, or just putting the slices on when I arrive. Or, heck, forgoing those strawberries altogether! I'll let you know tomorrow what I did and the results, and again, thanks for all your help, people!
Of course, I'll be placing the fruit on moments before I leave the apartment with the cupcakes, but it could be a full 2 hours before they are eaten. Anyone have any suggestions for treating the fruit? Dipped in egg whites and sugared? That kind of ruins the fresh fruit aspect. Oh, and NO GELATIN. (I'm a vegetarian.)

Please leave your suggestions below in the comments, or you can email me at thepixeltrix at gmail dot com. I'm ever so grateful!
Edit/Update: Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your emails and comments and assistance. I'm very thankful to be able to tap into your collective wisdom. At present, it seems to be a toss up between a light layer of heated jam (such as apricot) to "seal" the strawberries, lemon-juicing them lightly, or just putting the slices on when I arrive. Or, heck, forgoing those strawberries altogether! I'll let you know tomorrow what I did and the results, and again, thanks for all your help, people!
Agar agar is vegetarian. It's made out of seaweed.
These look so delicious!
When I attended Peter Kump's (now the Culinary Institute) in NYC, we made a fresh fruit "arc-en-ciel" tart that was great-tasting and gorgeous to look at. Wish I had a digital pic to send you. Anyhoo, we would warm a few tbsp. Apple jelly in the microwave til it's just a little runny (you can find it at any Dag), let it cool and then brush over fresh fruit with a pastry brush. Just a thin layer will do. It'll keep the strawberries looking fresh and I promise it doesn't add too much flavor. You really don't need more than a VERY thin coating. Good luck!
Lemon juice or Fruit Fresh would probably take care of the browning problem, maybe if you brush a little karo syrup on them as well that will keep them looking moist?
Clean Strawberries
Pat Dry
Brush with lemon juice
Let sit a moment
Pat Dry
Place on cupcake
The reason for the additional patting dry techniques is so your frosting doesn't liquify or bleed.
I did this with my Strawberry daquiri cupcakes and the starwberries held up: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/photo.php?pid=30927224&id=18606657
(my photography skills aren't amazing but here's a look)
I use apricot jelly/jam loosened with water. I put this on my fruit tarts to give them shine, and the fruit doesnt turn brown, and icky.
The only other thing would be to pack the berries seprately and garnish right before serving.
I wouldn't use sugar - as sugaring strawberries always makes more liquid over time, not less.
I don't think.
Good luck!