New Cupcake Merch at Exit 9 (and help me say goodbye to Prince Niko)

Well, as excited as I am to bring you some new cupcake merch (especially "green" or enviromentally resposible products), it saddens me greatly that this is Prince Niko's last day at Exit 9. Oh, how we'll miss him!

I was out cupcaking at Coyi Cafe (news on that TK) when I received a call from Niko, "Stacie, come quick, I've got a hot new cupcake product!" So I went a-runnin'. Wouldn't you?

Prince Niko of Bulgaria at Exit 9

This ecobag retails for $22, and comes with its own little case.

Prince Niko of Bulgaria at Exit 9

Cute! I can see carrying this around just in case I make a detour to Key Foods or the greenmarket unprepared. It's not a very large bag, but it appears to have some growing room. And, it saves plastic bags and/or trees used for paper bags.

While I am so sad to say goodbye to Exit 9's Niko, he's off to a fancy new job in FASHION, his chosen career. Best of luck to you, Your Highness.


Lyns said…
I need one of those Stacie!!! Do they ship to Canada? haha
Joie de vivre said…
That is so cute!
Stacie Joy said…
Hi Lyns, yes, they ship worldwide. I believe it's (tell them you are calling about a Cupcakes Take the Cake featured product. And let us all know what you think, okay?
Natalie said…
I happen to work for and I've been begging for some cupcake stuff! (I talked them into an AWESOME cupcake reusable bottle by Laken- coming in March.) I would love to order a sample of this one for the office.
Lyns said…
I most absolutely will Stacie! Thanks
Stacie Joy said…
Natalie -- I LOVE ReusableBags! If you do get a cupcake-themed one, hit me up at thepixeltrix at gmail dot com. Also, would love to see the reusable bottle when it's available. Holler!
Unknown said…
How do you order this bag?? I didn't find it on the website....
Stacie Joy said…
Cupcake Fabulous, you have to call them directly. Mention the item you want, that you saw it on CTTC and they'll send it to you. You can even ask for Charles, he's the owner of the store and friend to cupcakes.