Are they burgers or cupcakes?

In this case, they're both!

hamburger cupcakes 010

These are made by Smiley's Sweets and Creations: (photo via Flickr)

These are vanilla and chocolate cupcakes with coconut as the lettuce and "ketchup" and "mustard" frosting.


HanamiGallery said…
very unique and cute! i think they would be fun to have at a party!
Unknown said…
oh my goodness!!! these are so cool!!! I have to make these for my Dad this weekend!!!!

thanks for sharing.....

Cakespy said…
These ones are really well-done! Awesome.
Anonymous said…
I've made those before! :]
Super cute.
Jewel Sauls said…
I just found your blog and love it!!!!
amy & lisa said…
Love these!!
Mommy Extraordinare said…
So LOVE these! My mom in law was JUST telling me about her fancy dessert at a place in Long Beach where they had "hamburger treats".
These are Cupcake Couture 4 sure :) thanks for all you do! the blog is great!