Star Wars cupcakes are fun, even if you haven't seen the movie!

Stacie said to me in a kindof "you poor dear" voice after she read my post stating that I've never seen Star Wars, "You really haven't seen it?" Still haven't, but okay, okay, it's going in my Netflix queue! These Star Wars cupcakes are by Flickr user megpi

star wars cupcakes


Anonymous said…
Hey, I've never seen Star Wars either, and do not plan on seeing it. Some of my friends feel sorry for me too. Must.resist.peer.pressure. :)

Those cakes look good though. Cute.
Lara said…
I loves the Wookie so much!
Gem said…
Don't feel too lonely. I've never seen it either. I also don't plan to see it.
These are such fun cupcakes~ WOW~ too cool!
Pearl Berries said…
WOW!! You plus 2 people in the comments section haven't seen Star Wars. I am flabbergasted that such peole do, in fact, exist. Of course my whole family is nerdy/geeky/sci-fi junkies.

Regardless, the wookie get my love, too.