Maker Faire Cupcakes on Wheels

I never, ever get tired of this! I present to you, cupcakes in the 2009 San Mateo, California, Maker Faire:

Geek Chic @ Maker Faire

Shot by jurvetson.

More Maker Faire cupcakes on wheels (and their inner workings) by SusieFoodie.

Mobile Cupcake


Mobile Cupcake Inner Workings

Some more images, these by mportuesi:

Cupcake mobiles


Cupcake mobiles

This shot by Wendyness:

Cupcake car

This great shot is by whosadog:


Cool, right?

And, wrapping up coverage so far, here's a couple from pat o rama, who has a great set of Maker Faire images here:

Maker Faire 2009


Maker Faire 2009

The Faire is still going on today, so I'll publish more if I see 'em, or perhaps Rachel or Nichelle will. Yay!


That looks like such fun! Thanks for sharing!
Janet said…
oh my goodness! that is just too much fun! love it! thanks for sharing.
ellie said…
Oh my- how amazing are those! Plus i'd actually use one of those as my vehicle- yes i know they aren't meant for that but what a fun way to live right!

Melissa said…
So, does someone build and sell these? I'd LOVE a cupcake-mobile! Where can I get more info about commissioning one? ("Commissioning" sounds like an art piece, but I suppose one could view these as works of art in themselves!)
Jen said…
This was a MAGICAL post!

Also, I wanted to let you know that I have awarded your blog the 'One Lovely Blog' award!

Stop by my blog to pick up your award!!
Those are hilarious and very cute, thanks for the Sunday afternoon smile! I, like Ellie, would also drive one of those around my little town quite happily!!
apparentlyjessy said…
These have got to be the worlds best mode of transport ever! I too always get a kick out of seeing photos of them! :)
Lady J said…
You have no idea how much I would love to zip around in a motorized a dream come true..