Swedish fish cupcakes

Swedish Fish
Swedish fish cupcake by Pleasantville, NY's Flour & Sun Bakery, via Flickr

I once went to a party at Dylan's Candy Bar about Swedish fish. There were Swedish fish everywhere, including in drinks, and big bowls of them. I saw the above photo and was inspired to see if others are using Swedish fish on cupcakes. It's a fun candy, and I enjoy its chewiness, but I feel like M&Ms or chocolate-based candies, or tinier ones, would be a better fit on a cupcake. I can say for sure that if I had one of these, I'd eat the fish first, then the cupcake.

photo by Flickr user kusine

Swimming Upstream
photo by Flickr user cardamom

Swedish fish fishbowl cupcake, photo by Jared Klett

Vegan "sushi" cupcake
Vegan "sushi" cupcake for Andrew's birthday by Flickr user Deidre Jean, who wrote:

This "japanese style" cupcake is the basic yellow cake from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World with the "butter cream" frosting, both flavored with coconut extract. The "rice" is coconut, the "fish" are swedish, the "wasabi" is marzipan, and don't eat the plastic grass.

And more sushi!

Sushi cupcake
photo by Flickr user .blessed.
