Cupcake cookies in Kansas City

Coming soon to Sweet City Cupcakes in Kansas City, Missouri. And yes, we are "all cupcakes, all the time," as our tagline states, but cupcake cookies count. Cupcake anything, really - if there were a cupcake, I don't know, cheeseburger, or a cupcake salad (not sure how that would work, but just saying), we'd go there.


Candylei said…
I love this cookie!
Megan said…
Now I'm going to spend the weekend going "How can I make a cupcake salad ? Think, brain, think!"
Anonymous said…
YUM! I just found your blog and I love it! Have you seen this ? I just ordered it for my sister who is obsessed with cupcakes! I'll be telling her about your blog too!

Andrea Heyfren
steam showers said…
They look fantastic!
Emily Farris said…
This means you need to come visit soon, me thinks!