Not literally, people! (Though I wonder what that'd be like...)

This cupcake is by The Muffin and Cupcake Factory in Mexico via their blog.
They write:
"No hay mucho qué decir, ya que las imágenes dicen más que mil palabras
Este es un pollito sobre su nidito que está en un delicioso cupcake de chocolate...
Qué tierno!"
And via Google Translate:
"Not much to say because the pictures say a thousand words
This is a chick on its nest is in a delicious chocolate cupcake ...
How sweet!"

This cupcake is by The Muffin and Cupcake Factory in Mexico via their blog.
They write:
"No hay mucho qué decir, ya que las imágenes dicen más que mil palabras
Este es un pollito sobre su nidito que está en un delicioso cupcake de chocolate...
Qué tierno!"
And via Google Translate:
"Not much to say because the pictures say a thousand words
This is a chick on its nest is in a delicious chocolate cupcake ...
How sweet!"