Spotlight on I Heart Cuppycakes

Today's cupcake spotlight is on I Heart Cuppycakes, via their Flickr account (for a straight shot of cupcake awesomeness, see this Flickr set. I love the sense of fun and creativity brought to all of these. You can also follow I Heart Cuppycakes on Twitter (@ihcuppycakes) where her avatar is a button that says "I work out so I can eat more cupcakes." What's not to love?

All captions beneath photos are by I Heart Cuppycakes.

This one's only available in a super tiny size but still - LOVE IT!

Caramel "Apple" Cupcakes
Caramel filled apple cupcakes with vanilla bean cream cheese frosting.

Halloween is a ways away but I can't resist the art on this spiderweb cupcake...

Spiderweb Cupcakes
Dorie Greenspan's Chocolate Chocolate Cupcake w/ Buttercream Frosting

Taste the Rainbow Cupcakes
Vanilla "Rainbow" Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting.

Straw-Berried Treasure Cupcake 2
Martha Stewart 1-bowl chocolate cupcake w fresh strawberry center and marshmallow cream cheese frosting, garnished with sprinkle of brown sugar.

Cupcake pops (chocolate cake+cream cheese frosting inside)

Rum and Coke Cupcakes 1
Coca Cola Cupcakes with Brown Sugar Rum Italian Meringue Buttercream. (for Iron Cupcake - Soda Pop)

Red Velvet Cheesecake Cupcakes
Red velvet cupcakes with a cheesecake center and cream cheese frosting.

And another red velvet I couldn't resist posting...hi hats! Hi hats, to me, might just be the funnest cupcakes.

Red Velvet Hi-Hats
Red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting dipped in chocolate.


Cupcake Activist said…
That apple cupcake looks so yummy! I also like the mini sirloin burger cupcakes on the flickr page.
CB said…
Wow! Jessi (Cakespy) emailed me about being featured and I'm SO flattered! Thanks CTTC!